An Introduction To Geometrical Physics !FREE!
This book enables the reader to discover elementary concepts of geometric algebra and its applications with lucid and direct explanations. Why would one want to explore geometric algebra What if there existed a universal mathematical language that allowed one: to make rotations in any dimension with simple formulas, to see spinors or the Pauli matrices and their products, to solve problems of the special theory of relativity in three-dimensional Euclidean space, to formulate quantum mechanics without the imaginary unit, to easily solve difficult problems of electromagnetism, to treat the Kepler problem with the formulas for a harmonic oscillator, to eliminate unintuitive matrices and tensors, to unite many branches of mathematical physics What if it were possible to use that same framework to generalize the complex numbers or fractals to any dimension, to play with geometry on a computer, as well as to make calculations in robotics, ray-tracing and brain science In addition, what if such a language provided a clear, geometric interpretation of mathematical objects, even for the imaginary unit in quantum mechanics Such a mathematical language exists and it is called geometric algebra. High school students have the potential to explore it, and undergraduate students can master it. The universality, the clear geometric interpretation, the power of generalizations to any dimension, the new insights into known theories, and the possibility of computer implementations make geometric algebra a thrilling field to unearth.
Some members of the geometric algebra represent geometric objects in Rn. Other members represent geometric operations on the geometric objects. Geometric algebra and its extension to geometric calculus unify, simplify, and generalize vast areas of mathematics that involve geometric ideas,including linear algebra, multivariable calculus, real analysis, complex analysis, and euclidean, noneuclidean, and projective geometry. They provide a unified mathematical language for physics (classical and quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, relativity), the geometrical aspects of computer science (e.g., graphics, robotics, computer vision), and engineering.
The paper is an introduction to geometric algebra and geometric calculus for those with a knowledge of undergraduate mathematics. No knowledge of physics is required. The section Further Study lists many papers available on the web.
\"My purpose here is to provide, with a minimum of mathematical machinery and in the fewest possible pages, a clear and careful explanation of the physical principles and applications of classical general relativity. The prerequisites are single variable calculus, a few basic facts about partial derivatives and line integrals, a little matrix algebra, and some basic physics. Only a bit of the algebra of tensors is used; it is developed in about a page of the text. The book is for those seeking a conceptual understanding of the theory, not computational prowess. Despite it's brevity and modest prerequisites, it is a serious introduction to the physics and mathematics of general relativity which demands careful study. The book can stand alone as an introduction to general relativity or it can be used as an adjunct to standard texts.\"
The previously mentioned \"Geometric Algebra for Computer Science\" is a good introduction that concentrates on the algebraic (not calculus related part) of GA.It does have material on GA's application to computer graphics, but the bulk of the text is just on the geometry behind GA.
The other is the use of Clifford algebras, quaternions and related ideas as a formalism for geometry and physics. This is popularized by Hestenes and is somewhat controversial, not because the math is wrong, but because it uses extra metric structure in cases where not logically required, and because of the tendency to rename known concepts and overstate the differences and advantages compared to the conventional approach. Using quaternions to represent three dimensional rotations is not controversial at all and is an important method in computer graphics, but this is a different theme of much more limited scope than Hestenes' program to rewrite physics in Clifford algebraic language.
I like Porteous's Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups for a purely mathematical perspective. Pertti Lounesto's Clifford Algebras and Spinors is also really good and talks about applications to physics.
An intuitive overview of geometrical spreading can be found in the DOSITS webpage Sound Spreading. We will develop this concept mathematically here, building on concepts that we studied in previous weeks.
where the sound impedance . As sound spreads from a localized source, its energy is spread over a larger area, and the intensity (W m-2) will decrease. This kind of reduction in intensity (and associated sound pressure) is called geometrical attenuation. There are two limiting cases.
Get an introduction to the tools and functionality in COMSOL Multiphysics for importing CAD geometries and preparing them for simulation in this archived webinar. You will learn best practices to ensure an associative import such that the simulation settings are retained on the geometry after reimporting a CAD file.
This unit, together with WPHY140, provides an overview of physics. This unit includes a broad range of topics suitable for engineering students or those majoring in any of the sciences. This unit begins with topics in classical physics: the physics of oscillations and wave motion, including sound waves, diffraction and the wave behaviour of light, leading to an introduction to geometrical and physical optics and the operation of some optical instruments. The unit then moves on to look at some of the theories of modern physics that influence the way that we view the natural world, and the fundamental laws that govern it. An introduction is given to molecular kinetic theory and the important universal laws of thermodynamics, the latter valid for everything from the boiling of a kettle to exploding black holes. Einstein's theory of special relativity and its counter-intuitive views on space and time, the uncertain world of quantum physics, and what the latter tells us about the structure of atoms and nuclei, conclude the unit. Regular guided laboratory work enables students to investigate the phenomena discussed in the lectures, using modern techniques in a well-equipped laboratory.
In this article we present an introduction in the geometrical theory of motion of curves and surfaces in $\\mathbb{R}^3$, and its relations with the nonlinear integrable systems. The working frame is the Cartan's theory of moving frames together with Cartan connection. The formalism for the motion of curves is constructed in the Serret-Frenet frames as elements of the bundle of adapted frames. The motion of surfaces is investigated in the Gauss-Weingarten frame. We present the relations between types of motions and nonlinear equations and their soliton solutions.
In this work we discuss some problems of polymer physics which require use of the geometrical and topological methods for their solution. Selection of problems is made to provide some balanced view between the real physical situations and the mathematical methods which are required for their understanding. We consider both static and dynamic properties of polymer solutions which depend on the presence of entanglements. These include: problems related to polymer collapse, statics and dynamics of individual circular polymers and concentrated polymer solutions, problems related to elasticity of rubbers and gels, motion of polymers through pores, etc. This work serves both as an introduction to the field and as a guide for further study. 153554b96e