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Counter strike Challenge Map is a map that we constructed from the ground up for Counter-Strike. We wanted to create a map that is enjoyable to play for everyone and creative in the process. We spent months busting our butts taking a map. You’re going to have good times playing this. We’re sure of that!
Head to JavaCity and load up GangstaCityEpic on your Counter Strike: Global Offensive console and horde deathless points and cash on the streets of this medieval era community. It’s time to defend your Capital
Kiev-54 is the first map created in Counter Strike 1.6. It’s a bombing map with a terrorist and counter-terrorist team going at it to splatter the city’s skyscrapers with blood. The objective is to reach the other team’s spawn and destroy their base once you’ve sent the other team home. It’s shaping up to be an epic showdown with a ton of dead guys (good vs evil!) d2c66b5586