Extreme Programming Explained 2nd Edition Pdf [TOP] Download
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Extreme Programming is a method for developing software that is based on communication and feedback in small chunks. The developers communicate their product ideas to each other in small increments to be sure that the ideas are correct and to make sure that the developers are making progress. The developers work as a team that follows a set of rules and check their work against the rules. The most important aspect of the process is daily face-to-face communication, which allows the team to understand what the other people are working on and what problems they are having.
Extreme programming is characterized by:
Small iterations. Each software release is a small, incremental improvement over the last. Software is released after defined and unchangeable milestones.
Treating requirements as the source of change. The customer is responsible for generating change requests, which are then refined by the team. This makes the ultimate customer the ultimate programmer, since they can evaluate the potential impact on the whole project.
Code is small, test-driven, and highly coupled.
Emphasis on collaboration. Working software is always available for inspection and collaboration by others. Delivery of working software is the goal, not a complete spec, and the team is responsible for this. XP has a strong focus on communication, and encourages informal and even ad hoc planning with a preference for face-to-face communication. XP makes the most efficient use of any available information, preferring to get feedback quickly.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc