Gyo Tokyo Fish Attack (2012) English Subtitles
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Written by: Antonio VolpacchioDirected by: Atsuya UkiyaOriginal Series: GYO! (Sega Saturn)Original Year: 1998Original Language: EnglishPlayed: Cine-XYear Taken from Release: 2003
Is the first of three films to the same anime characters. The second is Gyo! Gyo! Gyo! (2001) which was released under the title of: Gyo! Gyo! Gyo! 2! (2003). The third is Gyo! Gyo! Gyo! 3! (2005) if you're a collector.
The art is similar to 1996's B-Grade Japanese comedy horror film Die, Monster, Die! with similar monsters bursting through town and causing mayhem. I also enjoyed the B-Grade feel to the movie with the characters acting like the old 80's C-Grade feature film characters and the over the top action scenes make this film very entertaining. After watching this I couldn't help but think about those that enjoy the Japanese B-Grade films with their wacky characters and crazy situations. The story is a little heavy on the comedy but it doesn't take away from the overall entertainment value of this anime.I would definitely recommend this anime if you're a fan of B-grade horror movies and anime. I say this because it gives you a nostalgic feel about those old school horror films and there is a lot of fun to be had in this film. The future looks bright for GYO! as they are also releasing a second video in this anime series called Gyo! Gyo! Gyo! 2! (2001) which is being released in 2013.CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS:Marina: (the main character) She is the leader of a young group of teenagers that just so happen to be camping by a lake. She's a very quiet girl who dresses up in a school girl outfit with a skirt that goes almost to her knees (and nothing else). She has a cell phone that she uses to keep in contact with her boyfriend and she's also downloading some mp3 music. She has a crush on the hot boy that she sees walking by the lake early in the morning.
Guilty Girl - Gyos: Tsukimono The Dream of the Sailor Boy. An adaptation of a Studio Ghibli anime (Zootopia). It has the same story as how the movie was made however it seems the ending is a little different. However that ending was the best part of the movie.
OVERALL RATING: 7.6/10GENRE: Animated HorrorSTORY: Kaori and her boyfriend return from a weekend getaway to Tokyo only to find that the entire city is infected with mutant cyborg sea creatures.
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